I just got my schedule for
CONvolution 2015: LEGION OF FANDOM! Unfortunately I will miss the Friday, because TA duties occur then, but I'll leave Riverside as soon as possible to hie myself to Burlingame! The schedule
is now live, but here are the ones specific to me:
Saturday 10:00 - 11:15, Harbor B
South East Asian SFF
Science-Fiction and Fantasy are global. Our panelists discuss the works and perspectives of South East Asia.
Panelists: Jaymee Goh, ZM Quynh, Bryan Thao Worra, Emily Jiang
Saturday 11:30 - 12:45, Sumac
Non-European Steampunk
Pat MacEwen (M), Jaymee Goh, Bryan Thao Worra
Saturday 14:30 - 15:45, Pine
Diversity in Speculative Fiction
Gregg Castro (M), Jaymee Goh, Thaddeus Howze, Bradford Lyau, Balogun Ojetade, Sumiko Saulson
Sunday 11:30 - 12:45, Pine
Asian Ancestresses
Jaymee Goh (M), Emily Jiang, Bradford Lyau
Sunday 13:00 - 14:15, Oak
Reading 3
Kyle Aisteach, Sumiko Saulson, Ms. Amy Sterling Casil, Bryan Thao Worra, Jaymee Goh
I have no idea what I'll be reading for Sunday yet! But hopefully you'll stick around and come see me and my fellow readers anyway. I'm especially excited to be on panels with fellow steampunk POC Balogun Ojetade and Bryan Thao Worra! You will also meet zm quynh, who will be in The Sea Is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia!
Emily Jiang and I have been on Asian Ancestresses before, when it debuted at WisCon a few years ago, and it was a blast! I am also looking forward to renewing acquaintance with Bradford Lyau, long-time fan-scholar and one of the first researchers using the Eaton Special Collection at UCR!
See you soon, Bay Area!