Tuesday, January 20, 2015


It's been a while! What with grading and assisting teaching and writing my dissertation proposal and going to conventions and whatnot! 

But! The manuscript of THE SEA IS OURS is done and handed to my publisher, and I am pretty confident that nothing else will be changed, so here is the table of contents!

On The Consequence of Sound - Timothy Dimacali
Chasing Volcanoes - Marilag Angway
Ordained - L. L. Hill
The Last Aswang - Alessa Hinlo
Life Under Glass - Nghi Vo
Between Severed Souls - Paolo Chikiamco
The Unmaking of the Cuadro Amoroso - Kate Osias
Working Woman - Olivia Ho
Spider Here - Robert Liow
The Chamber of Souls - Z. M. Quynh
Petrified - Ivanna Mendels
The Insects and Women Sing Together - Pear Nuallak

We have have first-timers and some more established writers, and all except one writer are of SEAsian descent, which I'm very proud of. Some of them you may know from the Philippine Spec Fic Annuals which is rather difficult to get outside of the Philippines, so I'm pleased to be able to have them here. They are all really talented, and I'm 100% certain that this anthology will have a particular voice that no other steampunk anthology (or anthology using the word "steampunk" in its title) has. You will have to read it to decide whether you agree with me.  

We are finalizing the AMAZING cover and I will announce that soon too! It is very similar to the postcard that Khor Shing Yin made for us to promote ourselves a while back.