
Friday, November 12, 2010

We Interrupt the Very Srs Blog Bsnz To Bring You Squeez!: Steam-Powered

I've been remiss on this, but just to make sure you know: Steam-Powered pre-orders are available until (USian) Thanksgiving!

Steam-Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories is an upcoming collection of 15 short stories, edited by JoSelle Vanderhooft, from Torquere Press, with an ETA release date of January 2011. Table of contents as follows:

N.K. Jemisin: "The Effluent Engine"
Georgina Bruce: "Brilliant"
DL MacInnes: "Owl Song"
Sara M. Harvey: "Where the Ocean Meets the Sky"
Beth Wodzinski: "Suffer Water"
Rachel Manija Brown: "Steel Rider"
Shira Lipkin: "Truth and Life"
Matt Kressel: "The Hand that Feeds"
Meredith Holmes: "Love in the Time of Airships"
Teresa Wymore: "Under the Dome"
Tara Sommers: "Clockwork and Music"
Mikki Kendall: "Copper for a Trickster"
Mike Allen: "Sleepless, Burning Life"
Shweta Narayan: "The Padishah Begum's Reflections"
Amal El-Mohtar: "To Follow the Waves"

I've been reading through the ARC (very slowly) and am only done two stories, but I must say that I have very high hopes for this anthology! 

1 comment:

  1. I finished reading through it awhile ago and am now working on interviewing Jo & some authors for BV.

    Once you're done, we should *totally* discuss this!

