Here is an incomplete list of my personal Must-Reads which I update every once in a while. There are much more thorough lists, of course, such as this Resource Post For All Good White People™, but if you're going to be posting here, you ought to have a passing acquaintance with at least half the links here.
Comments which demonstrate a distinct lack of having read the links I compiled here will be summarily ignored.
Rules of Engagement:
Moff's Law @ Racialicious
"Check My What?" On privilege and what we can do about it
A Deeper Look at "Minority Spaces"
101s on Race & Racism
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (I find this article to be a bit dated, but it serves as a useful first step in understanding white privilege) (PDF)
Transcripts for Race: The Power of an Illusion
- Episode 1: The Difference Between Us
- Episode 2: The Story We Tell
- Episode 3: The House We Live In
Race Relations 101 - What if I Screw Up?, How Not to Be An Asshole @ Feline Formal Shorts
How To Suppress Discussions of Racism by
White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo
John Dovidio & Samuel Gaertner. "Aversive Racism." (PDF)
Joyce E. King. “Dysconscious Racism: Ideology, Identity and the Miseducation of Teachers.” The Journal of Negro Education. Vol. 60, No. 2 (Spring 1991). 133 - 146. (PDF)
Robin DiAngelo. "White Fragility." The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy. Vol. 3, No. 3 (2011).
Detour Spotting For White Anti-Racists by Joan Olsson (pdf)
Cultural Appropriation
Why You Cannot "Appreciate" My Culture
What is Cultural Appropriation? by ardhra. A thoughtful post delineating the power dynamics of violence involved in appropriation.
Cultural Appropriation or Cultural Appreciation? A zine on culture, respect, allyship and racism (PDF)
On Reverse Cultural Appropriation (aka the "but you're wearing Western clothing!" argument)
Chimamanda Adichie's TED talk: The Danger of a Single Story. (video + interactive transcript)
Comments which demonstrate a distinct lack of having read the links I compiled here will be summarily ignored.
Rules of Engagement:
Moff's Law @ Racialicious
"Check My What?" On privilege and what we can do about it
A Deeper Look at "Minority Spaces"
101s on Race & Racism
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (I find this article to be a bit dated, but it serves as a useful first step in understanding white privilege) (PDF)
Transcripts for Race: The Power of an Illusion
- Episode 1: The Difference Between Us
- Episode 2: The Story We Tell
- Episode 3: The House We Live In
Race Relations 101 - What if I Screw Up?, How Not to Be An Asshole @ Feline Formal Shorts
How To Suppress Discussions of Racism by
White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo
201s on Race & Racism: Or, How To Not React Like a Douche
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva. Racism Without Racists: Colorblind Racism and the Presistence of Racial Inequality. (PDF)John Dovidio & Samuel Gaertner. "Aversive Racism." (PDF)
Joyce E. King. “Dysconscious Racism: Ideology, Identity and the Miseducation of Teachers.” The Journal of Negro Education. Vol. 60, No. 2 (Spring 1991). 133 - 146. (PDF)
Robin DiAngelo. "White Fragility." The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy. Vol. 3, No. 3 (2011).
Detour Spotting For White Anti-Racists by Joan Olsson (pdf)
Cultural Appropriation
Why You Cannot "Appreciate" My Culture
What is Cultural Appropriation? by ardhra. A thoughtful post delineating the power dynamics of violence involved in appropriation.
Cultural Appropriation or Cultural Appreciation? A zine on culture, respect, allyship and racism (PDF)
On Reverse Cultural Appropriation (aka the "but you're wearing Western clothing!" argument)
Chimamanda Adichie's TED talk: The Danger of a Single Story. (video + interactive transcript)
I Didn't Dream of Dragons, White People This is All About You, and Reappropriating My Man by Deepa D.
Thoughts on Orientalism, Imperialism & Steampunking Asia by Ay-Leen the Peacemaker (This is the article that started it all! From her original post on MySpace, I contacted Ay-Leen, and we went from there to Silver Goggles and Beyond Victoriana and show no signs of stopping! Ph34r us!)
Things I Don't Have To Think About Today by John Scalzi. Let this white man lay out for you what privilege looks like from a white man's point of view.
How To Be A "Reverse-Racist": An Actual Step by Step List for Oppressing White People at Black Girl Dangerous
How To Be A "Reverse-Racist": An Actual Step by Step List for Oppressing White People at Black Girl Dangerous